The Institute of Space Sciences at Shandong University (ISS-SDU), established in 2008 at the Weihai campus, was fully-funded and operational since July 2013. The core mission of the ISS is to conduct and support world-class researches in the fields of solar-terrestrial space physics and space weather science, planetary science, astronomy and astrophysics, and satellite navigations. ISS has the ambition to make itself a leading institute not just in China, but also in the world.
The faculty members of the ISS are mainly affiliated with the School of Space Science and Physics, Shandong University at Weihai. The past several years have seen rapid development of ISS research groups, which resulted in a young and active team with 32 members of teaching faculty, 12 members of engineering and supporting staff, and 12 post-doctoral scientists (6 from overseas). The scientific researches of ISS receive strong supports from Shandong University, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and other national/regional scientific agencies. In particular, the ISS was selected, on an extremely competitive basis, to become one of the 16 institutes/research centers that will receive prioritized support from Shandong University during the five-year period from 2016 to 2020.
We focus on fundamental physical processes as well as space exploration in key regions encompassing the Sun out to the Earth’s ionosphere. Equally important is our aim to develop some focused research on satellite navigation and planetary sciences, as well as observational astronomy and nuclear astrophysics. Wherever possible, we adopt a synergistic approach by combining data analysis with theoretical and numerical computations. As a result, we publish about 30 papers every year in such important journals as Nature Communications, Physical Review X, Astrophysical Journal, and Journal of Geophysical Research. The outcome of our research has been highlighted in multiple science nuggets of relevant space instruments, and has been in spotlight covered by international media. Our team members have been awarded more than 20 research grants each year from national and regional funding agencies.
We have been actively involved in multiple space missions and made our efforts to meet both the societal needs and national strategy. We were the main player in studies on science payload on and engineering implementation of China’s Kuafu mission. We have been in science definition teams or working teams of such missions as the China-ESA SMILE mission, China’s Meridian Project, Yinghuo-1, Chang’E, and Mars exploration missions. In the field of satellite navigation, we have been actively collaborating with the industrial sector, establishing a joint laboratory to develop mini-satellites for remote sensing and navigation.
Useful Informations:
1.Campus Map
2.Campus Photos
Travel Information.pdf